Woven Tales: Tour and workshop
15 Oct, 2023
We are excited to announce that al-Khalifa Tours is back with a diverse program of tours and workshops. Mark your calendars for the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. Our season kicks off with Woven Tales tour, where we will learn about the tales and myths of al-Khalifa area. In addition to attending a special khiyamiyya workshop, which will be held for the first time in our new production space. Join us as we get to know the participants of the Women's Training Program in their workspace and learn from them the techniques of creating Khiyamiyya. During the workshop, each participant will have the chance to design and create their own unique piece of khiyamiyya, drawing inspiration from the heritage of al-Khalifa area. Time and Date:  Saturday, 28th of October from 10am to 4pm. For more details and registration, visit the link https://forms.gle/pJdEistfsKHT9pUp9