Wood veneer: Tour and workshop
14 Dec, 2023
Are you familiar with Sheikh Suleiman Al-Kritli and his tales? Experience the rich heritage of Bayt al-Kritliyya on our guided tour, where we will uncover its intriguing past. Moreover, we will discover how English officer Gayer Anderson utilized the space as a displaying area for his possessions, eventually transforming it into a renowned museum in al-Khalifa neighbourhood. During the tour, we will have the opportunity to view Anderson's diverse collection of collectables from around the world, and the inspiring tales of Sheikh Suleiman al-Kritli will inspire us to create wooden pieces during the workshop time. The tour concludes with a workshop to learn the wood veneer technique, which is one of the significant traditional crafts in al-Khalifa neighbourhood. Time and Date: Saturday, 23rd of December from 10am to 4pm For more details and registration, visit the following link: https://forms.gle/Eb5UrzqGszYhyk6HA