Seminar for Heritage Education and Industries
18 Sep, 2022
To celebrate 10 years of Athar Lina, we’re hosting our first Seminar for Heritage Education and Industries. This networking event brings together multiple entities working in and outside of Historic Cairo. With the objective of expanding and breeding new collaborations in the fields of heritage education and heritage industries. The event will be split up into two parts pertaining to either heritage education or heritage industries. The first part will focus on heritage education. Athar Lina’s experience in heritage education shows us the power in collaboration, which is why we are eager to find new ways of engaging children and adults in heritage-learning activities. Attending entities will have experience heritage education, heritage games or children’s activities in general. The second part of event is catered to those interested in heritage industries in both its tangible and intangible forms. We use the term heritage industries to refer to a range of categories including, handmade products, traditional crafts, tour-guiding, and storytelling. Attending entities are those with experience or a professional interest in engaging with these fields. To sign up as an online attendee: