Khalifa community center (Mustawsaf al-Khalifa)
Google maps location:
This is a 28-hour workshop, divided as following:
Friday the 11th of February - 01:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
Saturday the 12th of February- 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Monday the 14th of February- 5:00 am to 09:00 pm
Wednesday the 16th of February- 5:00 am to 08:00 pm
Friday the 18th of February - 01:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
Saturday the 19th of February- 10:00 am to 05:00 pm

To apply to the workshop please fill this application form:
The fee needs to be paid no later than Thursday, February 10th, at the Athar Lina headquarters.
Working days: From Sunday to Thursday, 10 am - 4 pm.
Address: 2 Darb al-Shaykh Khalil, al-Saliba St., al-Khalifa beside Sabil Umm ‘Abbas.
Google maps location:
Contemporary Khiyamiyya Workshop: Design and Implementation
06 Feb, 2022
As the graphic witnesses of the cultural and architectural heritage of Egypt, Khiyamiyya works have somehow stopped representing Egyptian society as it stands now. Contemporary artists are attempting to reinvent the ancient art of Khiyamiyya by transposing new imaginaries on fabric, using the traditional techniques of embroidery and patchworks The objective is to motivate participants to utilize this medium as an artistic practice and not only a craft, thus contributing to recognizing Khiyamiyya as a distinct discipline in the field of textile arts.
During six days of this workshop, we will invite participants to think, design and start creating a collective Khiyamiyya.On-site visits, interactive talks and hands-on activities will shape a rich programme and guide the participants throughout the design and creation process. With support from the artists and local craftsmen, participants will collectively draw a large artwork and learn the sewing techniques used in Khiyamiyya. Participants will be encouraged to draw all throughout the week to propose their contribution to the final artwork, which may be exhibited on several occasions after the workshop. The workshop will take place during the exhibition of contemporary Khiyamiyya by the Italian visual artist Maninelkaos (literally “hands in chaos”) in collaboration with a family of craftsmen from El-Darb El-Ahmar neighborhood. The exhibition is hosted by Megawra in al-Khalifa Community Center. This workshop is part of the second season of ALHDTS project, run by Built Environment Collective, funded by Drosos Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Eligibility: 15 participants with a background in design and/or crafts. The workshop targets students and young professionals in the fields of design, crafts, art and architecture; age 18 - 35 years old. Both Manual and/or digital drawing skills and previous experience related to Khiyamiyya are considered a plus. Registration fees: 1300 EGP Scholarship Availability: 2 half scholarships Instructors and Lecturers: Daniele Manno, Rebecca Portail, Ahmed , Hadeer Dahab.