Brick by brick
28 Jan, 2024

Ever wondered how houses were built in the past? Register for your children in Brick by Brick playdate, and join us for a unique architectural experience in al-Khalifa district!

Children will explore the architecture of al-Khalifa district by strolling through Abd Al-Majeed Al-Laban and Al-Ashraf streets, and will play Treasures of Khalifa interactive game where they will learn more about the minarets of the district.

Wrapping up the day with a unique activity, where children will learn how to create a dome out of paper, and how walls are built through making block of bricks and constructing a miniature model themselves.

Date and Time: Saturday, February 10th, 2024. From 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

To register, please fill out the following form: